Tuesday, November 10, 2009

"Taking Heart" in Heartfelt Moments!

I have had an incredible 2009 with the delivery of two very healthy grandchildren! There are no words to describe the love I have in my heart for these two babies - one a boy, the other a girl. Actually, I never knew I had this kind of love to give! Oh, I loved my own children with everything I could muster up! But this...this is just something very special indeed. They both have a corner of my heart all their own.
I have experienced many tragic moments in my life. Ones that have left me fearful, worried and shaken to the core! Over time, and as each occurance compounded the issue, I began to fear what could happen in the future. Who would be next? What would happen? Will these events happen again? If I heard sirens I called my loved ones to determine their whereabouts and safety. I could go on and on with many of these examples! Fleeting thoughts could escalate to bouts of tears out of worry and fear...not only about my own children, but now about my grandchildren!
All we have to do is turn on the news and see that more tragedy and and loss is at hand somewhere for somebody. We gets emails almost daily about new virus threats, new terror threats, new ways to be victimized, etc. You know. You've read them. It sets the stage for fear and anxiety!
So how do we fight the battle when trials come? How do we come out victorious on the other side? With Truth! God's Word! Reliance on God's promises. Trust. Faith. Belief.

In John 16:33 Jesus tells us, "I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” (NLT)

Just because we are His Children, we do not have any guarantees against sorrows and trials. But through His death and resurrection, we are guaranteed that Jesus has overcome anything this world can dish out! In the end, Jesus wins! And if we are His, so do we....

Satan likes to use these circumstances in our lives to keep us from living a joyous, productive Christian life! He will whisper lies in our ears - but only if we listen.
Lies that produce sadness, fear, defeat, worry, depression and anxiety. The "what ifs" can drive us crazy. Thinking about all the possible things that can happen are useless and saps us of strength. Wears us out. Why worry about something that may never happen? Instead, pray! And trust...

Matthew 6:34
“So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today." (NLT)

Philippians 4:6
"Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done." (NLT)

Replace the word "anything" in the scripture above with events, people or things you worry or are fearful about. "Don't worry about _____; instead pray about everything." That's powerful! That's personal!

When these sneaky lies start to enter my mind and cause me to be fearful, I immediately start to pray for Jesus to give me peace, to take away the residual pain from the tragedies we've experienced, and for Him to help me trust Him more! I may never understand, but I know for a fact that it can be used for good.

Romans 8:28
"And we know that God causes everything to work together [ Some manuscripts read And we know that everything works together.] for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them." (NLT)

So take heart in your heartfelt moments...and trust that Jesus knows your every need, hears your every prayer, and sees every tear that falls. He wants to replace the grief, sadness, fear and worry with unmatched joy found only in Him. Stop listening to the lies and start focusing on Truth. You'll be amazed as I continually am!

Oh believe me, I have already been praying for my precious grandbabies! I have no idea what life will bring their way, but I know Who holds their every tomorrow! And I will continue to pray for them as long as I am on this earth to do so...knowing without a shadow of a doubt that Jesus hears every one and takes it near to His heart.

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